
I’d like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported or encouraged me…even more thank yous coming soon!

  • A huge THANK YOU to Liam Killen and Rhea Freeman who started the Equestrian Social Media Awards, and to everyone who nominated or voted for me. I’m happy for myself to have been included in the 1st year and I’m glad my Twitter account is considered an ‘international industry best’ – but I’m even MORE thrilled that the horse industry now has a way to highlight and recognize the ‘best of the best’ in social media use. Bravo, Liam & Rhea and all who voted, supported, volunteered, and/or spread the word!
  • Another huge THANK YOU to Diana Adams and Amy Howell for including me in the 1st-ever ‘Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women’ list.